August 04, 2014

Fulfilling Millennials Craving for Personal Branding

As Millennials (Gen Y) more and more becomes the dominant generation, personal branding would be elevated into a whole new height. It would not be just for the use of public figures, or aspiring public figures, neither for people wanting to get a job. Personal branding would be some sort of basic need which brands should accommodate for the common Millennials. A generation that many have called wanting to be the center of attention, glorify being under the lime light, or the main star in the “hit show” that is his/her personal life.

In the last 5 years, we at LM Brand Strategist have done and encountered many requests to engage in personal branding projects for various public figures in various sectors. The main ingredient is quite simple that is being genuine or being yourself. An ingredient that most brand consultants we believe would agree. In a more practical level, that ingredient of being genuine can be divided into three areas. First, one’s track record. Second, one’s idea or vision. Third, one’s personalities. Also in a technical level, how would those three areas can be conveyed through the way one talk, act, dress, etc? All being combined and communicated to achieve that desired positioning in the minds of target audience (yes even personal branding need target audience) of “A specific topic = A Person”. For example ask yourself who does the term “Consultant” remind you of? Or the term “Mechanic”? The name of the person that pops out in your head when hearing those terms mean that person, intentional or not, has done a pretty good personal branding with you as the target audience.

July 20, 2014

The Return to Communication Innocence

We now live in an era where communications are crowded, over populated even. Brands and advertising can be seen anywhere and anytime, from the time we wake up until we go to sleep. Marketing campaigns are happening all the time and everywhere, from public spaces like stores to personal spaces such as personal phones and email. Public Relations (PR) campaigns and methods are being used frequently to ensure that the intended messages would be interesting enough to be quoted in news articles. The over population of promises and messages in today’s era has made companies or institutions to step up their search for a clutter breaking communication, which implies innovation of methods and what many called out-of-the-box ways in communicating.

Like knights in shining armors come the communication professionals or experts or agencies to the rescue. In the midst of increasing competition and institutions’ necessity to acquire stakeholders undivided attention, these knights swoop institutions off their feet with big, and supposedly original, ideas. Good results lead to more and bigger business while bad ones lead to more search of other knights who would be capable of solving an institution’s communication problem.

July 10, 2014

Rindu Rasa Tanpa SARA

Selama 69 tahun kemerdekaan Indonesia, satu wacana seakan tak pernah sirna dalam kehidupan bangsa kita yaitu tentang SARA (suku, agama, ras, antar golongan). Sejak masa sidang BPUPK (Badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan), perdebatan Indonesia merdeka itu negara siapa telah ada. Apakah untuk kelompok ras tertentu? Apakah untuk kelompok agama tertentu? Apakah untuk kelompok suku tertentu? Kita berpikir dengan ditetapkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945 perdebatan itu telah selesai. Bahwa Indonesia yang merdeka adalah negara untuk semua. Sayangnya di masa modern sekarang, perdebatan itu tampak belum benar-benar tuntas.

June 26, 2014

Crowdsourcing Dalam Pilpres 2014

Sebagai seorang kader partai politik, praktisi komunikasi, dan pemerhati political marketing yang turut berpartisipasi di dua pemilihan presiden, tiga pemilu legislatif, dan berbagai pemilihan kepala daerah di Indonesia, ada sebuah fenomena baru yang saya lihat muncul secara signifikan di Pilpres 2014 sekarang yaitu crowdsourcing. Dalam ranah bisnis, crowdsourcing adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan sebuah kondisi kala sebuah ide/jasa/konten bukan dihasilkan secara satu arah dari sebuah institusi tapi dengan menggunakan kontribusi dari sekelompok individu di luar institusi tersebut, terutama dari komunitas online.

Singkatnya crowdsourcing adalah kegiatan kolaborasi institusi dengan berbagai individu eksternal yang umumnya dilakukan secara online. Kadang melibatkan kompensasi finansial namun sering secara gratis. Lihat Wikipedia sebagai contoh. Lewat sudah masa orang memiliki jejeran ensiklopedia di rumahnya. Berkat Wikipedia, sekarang dan ke depannya orang bisa cukup masuk dalam jaringan internet untuk mencari berbagai informasi tentang hampir semua topik.

January 09, 2014

Seru Pilpres, Perlu Pileg

Indonesia sudah masuk tahun politik dengan akan dilangsungkannya pemilihan umum legislatif (Pileg), pada bulan April 2014, dan pemilihan presiden (Pilpres), sekitar bulan Juli 2014. Membaca berbagai pemberitaan media massa dan diskusi publik di jejaring sosial seperti Twitter, tampak perhatian banyak orang lebih tertuju kepada Pilpres dibandingkan Pileg.

Setidaknya ada tiga faktor mengapa ini terjadi. Pertama, figur tokoh yang dianggap/menyatakan akan menjadi capres lebih menarik ketika dibahas baik di media massa maupun jejaring sosial. Kedua, hasil Pileg lebih kurang ketepatan perkiraan hasilnya dianggap sudah tinggi. Ketiga, tingkat kepercayaan publik/pemilih kepada partai politik (parpol) sedang berada di titik yang rendah.

Novel Capres 2014